Proverbs 12:10 A good man is concerned for the welfare of his animals

Learn About Our Surgeries

Dr. Brunner is able to perform a variety of surgeries. If you are not a client, or we are not familiar with this pet, an appointment will be scheduled prior to the surgery to review the pet’s history and determine the best course of action. He may also refer the case to a specialist if that is best for your pet.

A room with two tables and a lamp

Routine surgeries include:

  • Spay
  • Neuter
  • Mass removal
  • Declaw
  • Dental

Non-routine surgeries include:

  • Cherry Eye
  • Ear hematoma
  • Laceration Repair
  • Hernia
  • Orthopedic
  • Amputation
  • Enucleation


For all surgeries (including dental) we utilize the SurgiVet® Advisor® Vital Signs Monitor. This is a multi-parameter monitor that provides the doctor with a variety of monitoring options such as heart rate, blood pressure, ECG, digital pulse oximetry (blood oxygen levels), End-tidal CO2, and respiratory rate.

Every animal tends to lose body temperature during anesthesia. When the body becomes chilled, the blood pressure drops, drug metabolism slows, and if severely hypothermic organ function can be damaged. Thermal blankets and heating pads can be used to help maintain body temperature. We use the HOT DOG® patient warming system. A sensor in the blanket continuously monitors the temperature with over-temperature alarms for safety. This means it maintains the perfect temperature at all times, so the surgery patient is comfortable no matter how long it takes.

A monitor on top of a stand in a room.
A blue bag is on the floor next to an oxygen concentrator.

Pre- and Post-Surgical Information

Please note that these instructions are for most surgical procedures that require the use of anesthesia. Instructions specific to your pet’s procedure will be given when the surgery is scheduled.

Prior to Surgery:

  • No food after 9 pm the evening before your pet’s surgery. Water is allowed overnight, but take it up in the morning as soon as you get up.
  • Bring him/her to the clinic between 7:45-8:00am, the morning of the surgery/procedure.
  • Please bring the consent forms (Treatment Form and Blood work Form) with you. If you have not already filled them out, please allow a few extra minutes at the clinic to sign the forms. Make sure we have the phone number(s) where you can be reached at all times during the day.
  • You will be encouraged to have pre-anesthetic blood work run for your pet. We check the kidneys, liver, and other parameters to make sure all are functioning well. If your pet is older (considered to be in his/her senior years), we require testing.
  • The doctor reserves the right to cancel any surgery if it is in the best interest of the pet. This may occur if permission is withheld for recommended blood testing or use of fluids, or if testing shows abnormalities.

After Surgery:

  • We will call to update you on your pet’s condition once he/she wakes from the anesthesia. We will give you a time to pick up your pet.
  • You will be given an instruction sheet for feeding, medicating, and exercising your pet. There may also be information regarding additional follow-up care. Please make sure you read and understand this information.
  • Most routine procedures do not have stitches or tubes that need to be removed. If your pet’s surgery requires follow-up care, you will be asked to make an appointment before taking your pet home.
  • After an anesthetic procedure, your pet will be aware and able to walk, but still seem a little ‘sleepy’. Please keep him/her confined overnight and only feed a small amount of food that evening.
  • If you have any concerns about your pet’s surgery, please call us.